Tuesday, March 23 on ZOOM
9 Warning Signs of an Amateur Artist
Tuesday, March 23
Meet and greet from 6:15–6:30 before the 6:30 to 8:30pm Zoom meeting.
Join Janice Propst in a lively discussion about the characteristics of a professional vs amateur artist and how you can improve your working process and practices. We’d love to have you join in!
Janice Propst began her art experience with several other local artists (including Judy Anthrop!) to form the Black River Gallery in Holland Michigan. She also served on the founding committee, taught art classes, and organized programs at the Holland Area Arts Council.
Graduating with a BFA from the University of Michigan, Janice headed the art department at West Ottawa High School for 21 years, and served as an adjunct professor at Kendall College of Art and Design teaching college-level courses to her high school students.
Upon retirement, Janice focused on producing her own artwork from in her home studio. After having had her pieces selected in several juried exhibitions, both locally and nationally, she is currently working to amass a body of work for gallery representation.
Using a variety of media including collage, acrylic painting, and monotype printmaking, Janice’s thematic interests include exploring the landscape as a means of symbolic recreations. Colors, patterns, textures, and shapes are layered on intense areas of watercolor to divide images of earth and sky. Janice uses water media in a non- traditional sense, allowing the viewer to discover color relationships and detailed layers.
All members will be sent an invitation to the program via email.